février 2024

202426fev12 h 00 min13 h 30 minINVIT PRESSE ZOOM : Pour le droit à l'avortement sécurisé et accessible à travers toute l'Europe12 h 00 min - 13 h 30 min

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Conférence de presse européenne zoom

lundi 26 février

12h: lancement d’une immense campagne pour l’avortement en Europe initiée par les plus grosses organisations féministes de l’UE.

Alice Coffin coordonne la campagne en France, aux côtés des grandes organisations et personnalités féministes (Planning familial, etc.).

This is the first step in a big campaign for safeguarding and advancing abortion rights at the European level.

Many prominent feminist groups and individual activists will take part in this campaign. The launch marks an important step in taking a strong, unified stand for reproductive rights and ensuring the well-being of women across the continent. And invite the citizens of the EU to join this call with their own signature.

The press conference will feature prominent feminist activists from across Europe, including Nika Kova who has been one of the initiators of the #metoo movement in Slovenia, has successfully led many different social change campaigns (Slovenia) and has written several books on abortion and #metoo movement, Marta Lempart, activist, author from Polish Women’s Strike who has been the loudest advocate for reproductive rights in a country with an almost total ban on abortions and has organized the biggest pro reproductive rights protests in the history of Poland (Poland), Alice Coffin, a very renowned feminist, lesbian and environmental activist and author. They will be joined by Silvia Casalino (France), along with Dr. Imma Clarà, director of the Spanish organization L’Associació, LGBT activist and researcher Kika Fumero, feminist activist and journalist Cristina Fallarás who launched the Spanish #MeToo movement, #Cuéntalo (Spain).

Each of the speakers will share their insights and perspectives on the critical need for unified action toward fighting for the advancement of reproductive rights on a European level.

Lien : https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/69013936304?pwd=MHduN1VoeXdvUDUwejdNTlA5YkhEdz09

Détail dans le texte ci-joint.



(Lundi) 12 h 00 min - 13 h 30 min